Tuesday 12 April 2016

Mr President our Parents are tired of Helplessly waiting to burry their Kids- Bahati writes to President Uhuru

 The barua hit maker, Bahati has written a moving letter to president Uhuru Kenyatta asking him to step in in uplifting Cancer medical care at Kenyatta National Hospital 

Bahati with Abigael Wanjiku Kamau before she passed on


My Name is KEVIN BAHATI a Gospel Musician & Kenyan Citizen. I could have send this as a Private letter but it might take long before it gets to you so the URGENCY of this matter forced me to put it in Public maybe a fellow Citizens might read it to you. One of the Promises I made after My song ITAKUA SAWA was "No More" sad Songs & Melodies but how- When I still See nothing to Smile About??? Mr President do you see the picture above? It was taken barely Two days ago at Kenyatta National Hospital Cancer Ward bt as you are reading this (ABIGAEL WANJIKU KAMAU) is No More. Days Just after we've buried another 8 year Old Baby Charity. I Visited the same Kids Ward 5 months ago found more than 80 admitted kids and now on my Second Visit I find less than 30 new faces.. Not because they are healed but we've lost over 90% of this kids to the grave. Mr President is CANCER not Treatable??? I understand we can't save the lives of all this Patients but isn't there a way we can Pro- long their lives by giving a standard Medical care??.. The Rich will go to private hospitals or Seek treatment abroad what about Us the big Percentage of Kenyans that still can't afford a Dollar a day??? KNH is the only hope to Us but Our dedicated Doctors & Nurses lack treatment resources. Mr President our Parents are tired of Helplessly waiting to burry their Kids. Our Biggest National Hospital ( KNH) has less than 3 Cancer Treatment machines which serve over 2000 patients.Meaning a Patient Can spend almost 2 years waiting for their turn to go through the Chemotherapy Machine! About 60 people die every Month; these are 15 people weekly; meaning we burry like 2 every day. Mr President from Our Hearts we Love you & I believe you Love Us too. Am not so educated to advice you on how to do this but as the Most Powerful Man in Our Country. Please Do Something coz we are loosing too Many.
From the Voice of the Voiceless.
Bahati Tena!!!

Thursday 7 April 2016

Meet troubled Chase bank Divas

Chase bank has been put under receivership by the Central Bank of Kenya and a lot is at stake for its clients and employees. Get the chance to meet some of the beauties who were in the rank chains of the now collapsing bank 

Photos: Courtesy 

Saturday 2 April 2016

They Heckled President Moi too during his address to parliament

Kenyan Parliament Building 

In 1998 when Hon. George Nyanja the then MP for Limuru led over 40 Central Kenya MPs to heckle President Moi. It was...
Posted by Odhiambo Congo on Friday, 1 April 2016