Saturday 26 December 2015

Raila's extends a Christmas message to William Ruto

Mama Ida and I are very happy to send our warmest greetings and best wishes to all those who are celebrating Christmas. We join with Kenyans everywhere in recognizing the sense of renewed hope and comfort this joyous season brings to our nation and the world.
It is our prayer that Christmas becomes a state of mind throughout the coming year that enables faith to overcome doubt, hope to conquer despair, and love to triumph over hate. To Christians confessing the Catholic faith, this Christmas is special coming as it does after an uplifting and challenging visit by Holy Father Pope Francis. It is my hope and prayer that we use this season to reflect deeply on the words of the Pope while he visited.
Mama Ida and I take this opportunity to wish my friend and brother President Uhuru Kenyatta, his Deputy William Ruto and their families a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As a family, we join the President and our citizens in prayers that prudence, wisdom, and understanding might descend on our nation and on our neighbours, particularly the people of Burundi, so that during the year ahead, we may realize an ancient and wondrous dream of “peace on earth and goodwill to humanity.”
DECEMBER 24, 2015.
