Wednesday 23 December 2015

President Uhuru Kenyatta's Christmas message to Kenyans

“Across the country, Kenyans will gather within days to celebrate Christmas with their families. That’s as it should be: the Christmas story is the story of a family.
So let me begin by honouring the wisdom of our elders, the energy of our youth, and the families that hold this country together.
This celebration recalls the birth of our Lord in poverty – in circumstances that did not match his importance. That ought to remind us of a virtue that we have sometimes forgotten: humility. We ought to be ready to put others before ourselves. For our leaders, that means putting the needs of those they serve first. Self-centered leaders need to learn that lesson quickly.
For the rest of us, it means letting go off the pride that delays reconciliation and unity with our neighbour of a different religion, of a different race, of a different community.
That spirit was shown in a particularly striking way by the Muslim Kenyans who stood with their Christian compatriots against attackers near Mandera a few days ago. This is the Kenyan spirit that we must uphold and honour.
At Diwali, at Idd, at Christmas, we must always stand together as our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper.
Another lesson I draw from this year’s celebration of Christmas is the importance of hope. Kenya has many successes to celebrate; it also has many challenges to overcome.
Sometimes, when we remember how complex the challenges are, or how intensely any attempt to overcome them will be opposed, we are tempted to despair. But if Kenyans remain strong in hope, and join in the fight, then we can be sure that Kenya will win.
Finally, let me urge all Kenyans to drive carefully during this festive period. We want everyone to be safe and each one of us has a duty to play.
God bless you. God bless your family. God bless Kenya.”