Here is what made Duale to be roasted
The allegations of extrajudicial killings in parts of the country must be investigated to avoid unnecessary anxiety and speculation.
Here is a sample of people's reply to Duale
- @HonAdenDuale I wish you showed the same enthusiasm and vigor for this like the ICC cases Honorable.13 retweets6 likes
- @HonAdenDuale Why are you playing safe? You are who you are because of poor voters who are now being massacred #StopKillingSomalis
- @HonAdenDuale Hon. Duale The extra judicial killing was there before and nobody investigated it why do u think they will investigate now?
- @honadenduale its not allegation but rather the sad truth. What more evidence do you want if you can call dead bodies as "allegations"
- @HonAdenDuale completely dissapointed!. I can't understand why you cannot come strong when your own ppl are buried a live. Wewe huna utu
- @Fadhilgooner11 @KhalifAbdi @HonAdenDuale Duale only needs you at election time. NEP don't concern him much. He's now a big boy in Nairobi.
- @MauriceJOduor @KhalifAbdi @HonAdenDuale I can confirm no one had re elected him, he stolen the vote
- @honadenduale yu can't defend your own people yet you are busy protecting icc suspects and thieves of public resources
- @mayare108abdi @honadenduale i expected him to call a press conference and defend his own people the way he does to icc suspects
- @HonAdenDuale You should have been the last person to deny that Somalis are being killed by the Kenyan Gov, shame on you once again!
- @HonAdenDuale I am very disappointed Mheshimwa there is no necessary anxiety in this case. It is pure murder in the hands of the government.
- @abass_ke @honadenduale @khalifabdi @even yusuf hadji is silent on the same matter. @farahmaalimm is the only saviour to somali community
- @HonAdenDuale you are either with us or with the government that kills its pple. It will kam a tym wen u will wish 2b in de govt.
- @miscellaneouscu @HonAdenDuale:mheshimiwa the jubilee govt has murdered many young innocent somali boys, we are watching time will tell.
- @HonAdenDuale ......Speculation????? I suggest you stand up for your people....we elected you to protect our interest....
- @HonAdenDuale you are yet to know what poor Kenyans face. Pls share this with @UKenyatta @WilliamsRuto . murder is unacceptable!
- @HonAdenDuale Investigate to silence the affected and hide the facts as it has been the norm? Noooo @KhalifAbdi
- @HonAdenDuale pliz can you wake up and help us do something,you speak alot about ICC , now this is a matter of interst smthng
- @HonAdenDuale Do you think the same people who did this can investigate their actions? I doubt. #StopKillingSomalis
- @HonAdenDuale its not the 1st time it happened, few months ago mass graves were discovered and until now nobody was brought to book.
- @HonAdenDuale it is sad that we from NEP have leaders like you "allegations " the truth is clear Mr noise maker, the dead bodies are proof
- @honadenduale you fight for criminals because they will give you wealth and ignore the poor innocent somalis who cant buy u lunch...shut up
- @HonAdenDuale Rest assured your jubilee government have no hope in Mandera county in the fourthcoming election,1 retweet0 likes
- @HonAdenDuale ogaden geesi nimo ayaa lagu ogaay ee adhigu ma garac baad tahay. Nacas nimada halkeed ka keenti?
- @HonAdenDuale what allegations!!you see the practical evidences.stop scapegoating.dnt sarcastic on the pains of your people.
- @HonAdenDuale your people are beheaded in the full glance of your presence.because i know the order is coming from above. what a shame.
- @HonAdenDuale "speculation" its plain truth the sem govt u claim 2b no.3 did these . unless u divorce the majority leader n join us spare us
- @HonAdenDuale allegations!! Do you ever learn or did you forget what kdf did in gsa when 3 kdf were killed in gsa,whole town in lockdown
- @HonAdenDuale Justice delayed is justice denied, evidence is there bt the continous denial of the govt overruns it.
- @HonAdenDuale Allegations really? All you NEP Leaders are a sad lot if you ask me. #StopKillingSomalis
- So. @honadenduale. finds his voice, talking vaguely about killings in parts of the country. It's mass graves in Mandera. #StopKillingSomalis
- @HonAdenDuale as somali saying say a mouth that has eaten can't bite .how do I feel if your mother is buried a life .uhuna utu unaona pesa
- @HonAdenDuale wasted brain in politics... come and milk da camel... you failed to stand with your people.
- @HonAdenDuale @HonAdenDuale Go and tell the orphans and the widows that the EJK of their loved ones are just allegations. Shame on you.
- @HonAdenDuale when a whole community is intentionally marginalized by their gov't, will the gov't expect from them to pay taxes. No
- @HonAdenDuale After majority of Somalis voted for uhuruto but today we have nothing to show for it except mass graves.
- @HonAdenDuale have you ever seen investigations that bore fruits in kenya?.sema tu unataka tusahau hii stroy yote na we uendele kula mshara.
- @HonAdenDuale who is going to investigate. The bodies mandated are the ones alleged to hav commitd the athrocites.
- @HonAdenDuale it take you at least an hour to reply to Raila's issues but a whole day to condemn extrajudicial killings "Allegations"
- @HonAdenDuale Allah sw will judge u 1 day..ur own mouth will fail u 2 respond. GOD gave u dis leadership nt uhuruto as u claim. Repent nw
- @HonAdenDuale did you forget wen 3 kdf were killed in gsa and gsa put on lockdown and every living been shot and kicked,souq mugdi burnt
- @HonAdenDuale why so big mouthed when defending waiguru,the ICC criminal and eurobond and yet so silent in defending your Somali brothers
- @HonAdenDuale We look up to you coz u r our leader and third most powerful person in Kenya, do something these are your people not uhurutos
- @HonAdenDuale .........the government and the elected leaders like duale are a threat to it's people0 retweets0 likes