Friday 14 October 2011


The treasury and CBK is to blame for persistent depreciation of the Kenyan shilling against the US dollar. It has come out clearly with the blame game going on   between these two institutions. This can be termed as being irresponsible. Mr Njunguna Ndungu's assertion that specific commercial banks are responsible for the depreciation is a clear  indication of irresponsibility on the part of CBK. I wonder whether it is the CBK that controls and regulates the activities of the commercial banks or it is the other way round? With all this gong on, it is the ordinary citizen that is feeling the effect of the depreciation through high prices of basic commodities.

It is high time corrective measures are put in place and implemented to curb this problem before it gets out of hand. The relevant stakeholders should take the responsibility to handle this case in order to save our economy from the current unpleasant condition.

Saturday 1 October 2011


The recent move by Safricom to increase calling charges is a sign of consumer exploitation.The move that is based on increased operational costs is unjust to the consumers.If CCK had reduced the interconnectivity charges then I see no truth in Safricom's claim.

Being a major service provider in the market ,Safaricom has always tried to blackmail both its competiters and the consumers. It had once gone to court when Airtel once known as Zain and YU reduced the caling rates.
I call upon the campany to also put into consideration the interest of its consumers. Making big profits at the expense of consumers is unethica and the relevant authorities should come to our assistence.

I am proud of Safaricom because of the many community and charity projects that it has initiated countrywide.I think  with the step that it has taken  really hurts the consumers considering the economic difficulty they are undergoing.