Tuesday 17 February 2015

Kajiado County Government initiates Water policy drafting process.

Kajiado County government has launched a public participatory process of coming up with water policy for the county. The policy is intended to stipulate the best ways of management and proper utilization of water resource in Kajiado County. County cabinet secretary in charge of ministry of water, Mrs. Nancy Gathaiya said the policy aims at ensuring implementation of public views and regulate the usage of water by the relevant stakeholders within county.

The process that involves public participation through consultative opinion seeking from the citizens of the County is ongoing throughout the five sub counties. The citizens are given the opportunity to articulate the challenges they face on accessibility and usage of water in their regions and eventually come up with their recommendations. Mrs. Nancy Gathaiya said since some residents of Kajiado County are nomadic pastoralists, the water policy will help in ensuring they get water to sustain their activities.

According to Mrs. Gathaiya the policy is intended to outline a frame work on the responsibilities of the stakeholders (The county government, water suppliers and users). The policy draft will be availed to the public through a county consultative meeting for the final amendments to be done before it is taken to the county assembly. The county government is working closely with Kenya Water partnership to ensure the policy meets the required standards on water policy formulation. The executive secretary of Kenya Water partnership, Mr. Richard Mutua said they are working with the county to ensure the policy is aligned to the four international principles of water. He said the ongoing process is important since it will enable the county government to come up with a comprehensive policy that will take into account the needs of the residents of Kajiado County.

Mrs. Gathaiya said they are working on modalities to ensure the growing Kajiado County population gets clean, safe and sufficient water. She added that apart from getting water from Kiserian dam, they working round the clock to ensure they also get water from Ndakaini dam.
The policy making process is ongoing throughout the 47 counties and this comes at a time when the water bill has already gone through the second reading in the national assembly. The water policies from different counties will be harmonized with the water bill to ensure they do not conflict each other.