Wednesday 28 October 2015

Greed for wealth drives a woman to sleep with the dead

A lady goes to bed with fresh dead people following advice from a witch doctor in order to get wealth. This will blow your mind.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Bro Ocholla Memes on Instagram and Twitter

Incase you are wondering why bro Ochola has been trending on social media here is the WhatsApp Screen Shot that has made Bro Ocholla a social media hero.

Hilarious memes have also come up on Twitter and Instagram

Monday 26 October 2015

Boniface Mwangi's Tough Birthday Message to President Uhuru Kenyatta

                            Young Uhuru Kenyatta with his late father, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
                            Photo Source: Courtesy. 

Photo Journalist turn activist Boniface Mwangi had this tough message to the president for his birthday

Mr President, Life is short. Long after you’re gone we shall remember you not by your net worth but by your deeds. Looking back on your life, it’s likely you have never had to make the types of decisions most Kenyans make everyday. You were born into a lot of wealth, illegally acquired wealth. Your father, who Kenyans fundraised for so that he could build a house after his release from prison in 1961, turned around and decided to grab land. A man whose only employment was the presidency became Kenya’s richest man within a few short years. That land your father grabbed and your family inherited as a result, was stolen from millions of deserving, needy Kenyans. Post-independence, his government marginalised the Freedom Fighters and awarded the Home Guards. Our country is still being affected by your father’s original sin. It’s a sin you must actively and sincerely seek to correct. How, you might ask? Return the land your father illegally acquired or pay its value to those it rightfully belongs to. Your family has exploited it for far too long; I’m sure you can continue to live comfortably off the money the land has made. If you do this, your greatness is assured and you will have the moral authority to go after politicians who continue to do what your father did. According to the Kroll Report, former President Moi, his friends and family stole more than 3 billion dollars. That money can and should be recovered. 

Your father and his government jailed innocent people, killed Kenya's brightest minds, and dished out public land to his friends (a habit his successor continued and took to the next level with killings, detention without trial, tribal clashes, election rigging, and buying out opponents). The Kibaki government killed human rights defenders Oscar Kingara and GPO Oulu. Don't emulate them; don’t envy them. Chart your own path and dare to look beyond our shore for inspiration; Sankara is a good model for you. We cannot fault you for what your father did but we shall fault you for not trying to correct the imbalance your predecessors created. The seeds of tribalism and cronyism that they planted have germinated and are two monsters that threaten to consume our nation. 
As president, you have two years left of your first term. Two decisive years that can make or break this country based on your decisions and leadership. Change begins with you. Blaming Raila or the devil won’t stop the corruption or improve our economy. 

It's not those years that will make a difference; it’s being a decisive leader, today and everyday. Lead like a Commander-in-Chief. Wearing the military uniform is fine, it's fancy, and you look nice, but mirror it with action. Uphold the rule of law, stop letting your people change the Constitution for your or their benefit. Constitutions are for posterity and your Jubilee party is so consumed with power that they want to make you an imperial president. Stop them before they take us back to the shadowy days of your father, President Kenyatta, and his successor (and your political mentor) Moi. 

If you can assure (and ensure) that no one is above the law, and that the law applies equally to every Kenyan, every one will begin to uphold better standards. You can request Chief Justice Willy Mutunga to make a special court for corruption and leaders who break the law, fast track their cases and deter future theft. For some people in your government circles, everything they touch turns into a corruption scandal, get rid of them and ensure that the law applies to them as well. We shall judge you by the friends you keep; the people around you make you stink of corruption and tribalism. I urge you to get rid of this corruption weight before it destroys your legacy forever. 

Through out history, many good guys died young; but that didn’t stop them from being celebrated to-date. Ninety-nine percent of the men who inspire me to be the man that l am today died before they reached 40 (Jesus Christ, Malcolm X, Steve Biko, Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Sankara, Bob Marley, the list is endless) but their impact is still being felt today. Mr. President, be the good guy! Think outside the box and secure your legacy forever. It's not how long you live that matters but what you do while you are alive.

Playing Mr. Like-me won't help you and especially this nation; decisive, focused and dedicated leadership will. Let our Constitution guide you, it’s the only true partner you need to secure your legacy. For your birthday l dedicate ‘Sheria’ by Sarabi and Juliani, watch it here

Friday 16 October 2015

Volumes of Books Donated to Moi University

By Moi University Eldoret Kenya - Foundation of Knowledge

                                       Library staff pose with the books that were Donated

Margaret Thatcher Library of Moi University has received the much-needed shot in the arm in research and learning resources following the donation of books worth Ksh. 50m by Ivey Business School and Textbooks For Change.
Ivey Business School is a business school of the University of Western Ontario, a research-intensive university located in London, Ontario, Canada whereas Textbooks For Change is a Canada-based social venture that provides affordable and accessible educational materials to students globally.
The 28, 000 volumes of textbooks were received on October 16, 2015 by Moi University staff drawn from Margaret Thatcher Library, School of Business and Economics, office of the Vice Chancellor among other departments. “We are happy to receive such a big consignment of textbooks from our academic partners. The books will go along way in equipping our library resources and help boost the university’s as well as the students’ researches,” said Bernard Ombati, a representative from the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs, Research and Extension.

Isaac Cheruiyot, an accountant in the School of Business and Economics, who represented the school dean, Prof. Thomas Cheruiyot, hailed the donors’ gesture of promoting academics at Moi University and Africa as a whole.
Assistant Procurement Officer from Moi University’s Central Stores, Ms. Lilian Manono, said the consignment arrived at Mombasa Port from Canada on August 31, 2015 and the university spent Ksh 734, 870 in clearance and transportation of the books from Mombasa to Moi University main campus in Eldoret.
Ms. Manono said the consignment that comprised 1120 boxes of textbooks arrived at Mombasa Port on August 31, 2015.
Mr. James Abisai, head of Technical Services at Margret Thatcher Library, said the donation followed a request by Dr. Charles Lagat, head of Marketing and Logistics in the School of Business and Economics to Ivey Business School for support of reading materials.
Dr. Lagat is also the Coordinator of International Collaborations in the School of Business and Economics.
“When Ivey Business School received the request, they contacted Textbooks For Change headed by Chris Janssen. Textbook For Change collects books across the world and ships them to institutions that need them across the world,” said Mr. Abisai, who oversaw the receiving of the consignment at Margret Thatcher Library parking lot.

                  Books that were donated to the University being offloaded from a truck

Mr. Abisai explained that officials from Ivey Business School and Textbooks For Change paid Moi University a visit from July 19 to 22, 2015 to familiarize themselves with academic programs offered by the university, particularly in the School of Business and Economics.
The officials toured various departments of Moi University including Margaret Thatcher Library.
Mr. Abisai added that the consignment was worth Ksh. 50m, categorized in various academic disciplines.
“Such a consignment is distributed to various Moi University branch libraries depending on the academic programs offered in campuses where the libraries are situated. There about 13 branch libraries of Moi University across Kenya, among them, main Margaret Thatcher Library, College of Health Sciences Library, Moi University School of Law Library, Moi University Nairobi Campus Library and Moi University Coast Campus Library in Mombasa,” explained Mr. Abisai.

In May 2014, Moi University received a similar consignment of over 14, 000 volumes of textbooks from Books for Africa through the Emeka Offuor Foundation of Nigeria.
Mr. Abisai said last year’s donation followed a request by Prof. Joseph Rasowo, Principal of Moi University Adero Kang’o Campus in Siaya, to Emeka Offuor Foundation. The foundation approached the US-based Books For Africa, that collected the books and shipped them to the university. The books were distributed to various Moi University branch libraries.

Photo Source: Courtesy 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Migori Governor Okoth Obado makes an impromptu visit to Migingo Island

Migingo Island has been a centre of dispute between Uganda and Kenya with each claiming ownership. Migori Governor Okoth Obado on 8th October 2015 visited the Island

This is what the governor said

Today, I toured Migingo and Ugingo Islands of Lake Victoria. I witnessed the suffering of our people, police and also realised the potential of the Island. My goververnment is planning to make the Island a mordern urban centre. We shall establish an ECDE centre ,Health facility,toilets and streetlights in this small town. We are also working with the National Government to establish a police post with mordern office structures and provide a speed boat to the security team on the island to help boost the security of the Islands.
Thank you and May God Bless you all.

The governor speaking to the residents of Migingo

The governor touring the Island

The governor touring the Island

The governor with his aides on their way to Migingo Island

Photo source : Courtesy 

Monday 5 October 2015

Bubu Owino's 14M birthday party got people talking

University of Nairobi's SONU chairman Babu Owino's 14M birthday  party has got tongues waging with people giving different opinion on the issue. The birthday party is estimated to cost ksh. 14M. Babu is not new to extravagance and attention seeking. His re-election campaign which was in millions of shillings and his infamous letter to US president Barrack Obama also kept people talking.

Here is part of the sh. 14M budget

 This is what Kenyans on Twitter had to say

 7 hours ago when you plan to spend KES 14 Million on your birthday, you must be veeery wealthy!

How would you spend this cash? ...Paying Teachers Salaries!! See -->

We are on Babu Owino's birthday party budget.

Ujaluo ni gharama .Babu Owino's birthday is worth 14.4 Million Ksh .Weeki njema lakini .

birthday buget is higher than fun D's for paying teachers

Mko JUU kama birthday budget ya

smh!!!!! Mi budget ya bash hukuwa 1400 pekee halaf nasema "wanaume wakam na mzinga" madem ni sare

LT - Babu Owino's birthday party (provisional!) budget: 845,900 kshs for Whiskey & they say Kenyans can be sober minded - for who? LMFAO!

Saturday 3 October 2015

Film Queen; An invisible beaming film fulcrum in Kenya

Joyce Arigi, a prolific Kenyan film director in a recent photo 
By Ronald McAgak
Film Industry in Kenya has surely evolved from that time when actors could work out of passion to a time now that it earns them a living. Most a times people and the media always puts much emphasis on the actors and forget that the talent displayed by the actors is always under the guidance of some people behind the scenes. They never appear on the your screens back in your rooms but their prowess always makes you want to skip other things in order to stay glued to the screen.
A seasoned film maker will tell you that however much an actor may be talented, he or she may not be able to realize his/her full potential unless he/she is under the guidance of a very talented and passionate artist director. Just like without a good cook, a delicacy will always be tasteless no matter how fresh or appealing it looks to the eye.

Joyce Arigi also known as Aduda Cele Mum is the invisible face behind the success of Papa Shirandula, a comedy drama film that airs every Thursday on Kenya’s Citizen TV. Joyce earlier acted as Aduda Cele Mum, sister to Wilbroda the wife of Papa Shirandula. In this role her greatest enemies were Jalongo and Otoyo who always saw her as a threat to their stay in Nairobi.
Currently she is the artist director of the program and her prowess is beyond imagination. Always composed and humble but advice and words are always taken seriously by the actors. It is through her concerted effort with the other players in the program that has made the ratings of the TV drama Papa Shirandula stay on top in the Kenyan TV rankings
A closer look at how Joyce does her work will amaze you. You will see a lady well knowledgeable about what she wants out of a script. Being a scriptwriter and having been an actor, her artist-directing prowess finds its deep anchored excellence and success in her works. Joyce draws great respect from seasoned actors like Juma Anderson, Papa Shirandula, Wilbroda and Njoroge who would always ask her on what should be done incase they are not sure on how an act is to be undertaken.
With her competence, she has attracted indulgence from other film making organizations that cannot afford to miss out her super amazing talent. Currently among the best film directors in the country, Joyce Arigi has earned great respect among the practitioners in the film industry. The expansion and the growth of the film industry has her work imprinted on it as a great contributor
Arigi doing what she does best in a recent film shoot at Daadab  Refugee camp
I need a shot, Arigi behind the lens in a previous film shoot.

Arigi giving instructions to Awinja and Wilbroda of Papa Shirandula 

Arigi Keenly following rehearsals by Cheupe and Chausiku all of Papa Shirandulla.

Photo Source: Courtesy ( Joyce Arigi)