Migingo Island has been a centre of dispute between Uganda and Kenya with each claiming ownership. Migori Governor Okoth Obado on 8th October 2015 visited the Island
This is what the governor said
Today, I toured Migingo and Ugingo Islands of Lake Victoria. I witnessed the suffering of our people, police and also realised the potential of the Island. My goververnment is planning to make the Island a mordern urban centre. We shall establish an ECDE centre ,Health facility,toilets and streetlights in this small town. We are also working with the National Government to establish a police post with mordern office structures and provide a speed boat to the security team on the island to help boost the security of the Islands.
Thank you and May God Bless you all.
The governor speaking to the residents of Migingo
The governor touring the Island
The governor touring the Island
The governor with his aides on their way to Migingo Island
Photo source : Courtesy