Saturday 26 December 2015

Ugandan Singer Irene Ntale rocks a Gomesi

In a new year message to her fans on her Facebook page, Irene Ntale attached these lovely pic of her in the coveted Ugandan traditional dress popularly known as Gomesi. 

Check out the lovely Ntale below

Raila's extends a Christmas message to William Ruto

Mama Ida and I are very happy to send our warmest greetings and best wishes to all those who are celebrating Christmas. We join with Kenyans everywhere in recognizing the sense of renewed hope and comfort this joyous season brings to our nation and the world.
It is our prayer that Christmas becomes a state of mind throughout the coming year that enables faith to overcome doubt, hope to conquer despair, and love to triumph over hate. To Christians confessing the Catholic faith, this Christmas is special coming as it does after an uplifting and challenging visit by Holy Father Pope Francis. It is my hope and prayer that we use this season to reflect deeply on the words of the Pope while he visited.
Mama Ida and I take this opportunity to wish my friend and brother President Uhuru Kenyatta, his Deputy William Ruto and their families a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As a family, we join the President and our citizens in prayers that prudence, wisdom, and understanding might descend on our nation and on our neighbours, particularly the people of Burundi, so that during the year ahead, we may realize an ancient and wondrous dream of “peace on earth and goodwill to humanity.”
DECEMBER 24, 2015.


Top 10 Richest African People in 2015

Wednesday 23 December 2015

President Uhuru Kenyatta's Christmas message to Kenyans

“Across the country, Kenyans will gather within days to celebrate Christmas with their families. That’s as it should be: the Christmas story is the story of a family.
So let me begin by honouring the wisdom of our elders, the energy of our youth, and the families that hold this country together.
This celebration recalls the birth of our Lord in poverty – in circumstances that did not match his importance. That ought to remind us of a virtue that we have sometimes forgotten: humility. We ought to be ready to put others before ourselves. For our leaders, that means putting the needs of those they serve first. Self-centered leaders need to learn that lesson quickly.
For the rest of us, it means letting go off the pride that delays reconciliation and unity with our neighbour of a different religion, of a different race, of a different community.
That spirit was shown in a particularly striking way by the Muslim Kenyans who stood with their Christian compatriots against attackers near Mandera a few days ago. This is the Kenyan spirit that we must uphold and honour.
At Diwali, at Idd, at Christmas, we must always stand together as our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper.
Another lesson I draw from this year’s celebration of Christmas is the importance of hope. Kenya has many successes to celebrate; it also has many challenges to overcome.
Sometimes, when we remember how complex the challenges are, or how intensely any attempt to overcome them will be opposed, we are tempted to despair. But if Kenyans remain strong in hope, and join in the fight, then we can be sure that Kenya will win.
Finally, let me urge all Kenyans to drive carefully during this festive period. We want everyone to be safe and each one of us has a duty to play.
God bless you. God bless your family. God bless Kenya.”

Jose Chameleone prides in his son's swimming prowess

Jose Chameleone has shown pride in his son's prowess in swimming. In his Facebook post, the Wale Wale hit maker has shown optimism of his son making it to the Olympics. This is what he said

"Make way for the Future!!!! It's just a year and a half. And the achievement is visible. 
We as ‪#‎TeamAbbaMarcus‬ know that your charisma can't be defeated. Go Abba. 
They Hoped to defeat your singing Career and Now you show the World that the Champion is Born in You as a Record breaking Swimmer ðŸ˜Š

Saturday 19 December 2015

Life of the late student activist Governor Joel Evans in Pixels

Governor Joel Evans succumbed to cancer on a day he had invited friends to pay him a visit at his residential home in Fedha Estate in Embakasi.

Below are some of the Photos depicting the life of #UBUNTU Governor Joel Evans

                                                The late GJE addressing the press

                                        GJE's story on his fight with cancer on the Nairobian 

                                                     GJE on a cancer scan machine 

                     Undated photo of GJE infront of Margaret Thatcher Libryay in Moi Universtiy

                                                   GJE with Babu Owino of UoN

                                         GJE with a former MUSO Finance Director, Kenga
                                       GJE in fighting for the rights of students 

                      GJE participates in  students' demonstration to push for release of Helb

                                  GJE's message to get help for his cancer treatment

                                          GJE and fellow student leaders at 103.9 MU FM

GJE's last photo he posted online before succumbing to Cancer 

                                                          GJE in a jovial mood
                                            Students pay GJE a visit at the Hospital

Kisumu granny registers disappointment at Raila Odinga's 3 three presidential elections loss

A closer look at this photo above, one is able to deduce the frustration this old granny has faced for voting Raila Odinga 3 times as president without any win.

                  A granny shares words of wisdom with Raila Odinga

Monday 14 December 2015

KTN Swahili News anchor Ahmed Darwesh found dead in his house

                                                   RIP Ahmed Darwesh

KTN Swahili News anchor was found dead in his house according to blogger Robert Alai . Ahmed Darwesh died quietly yesterday evening on his sofa. He has been fighting Diabetes for a while. 

This was his last news brief that he did over the weekend before he passed on on Monday

What Kenyans said about the fallen Journalist 

Robert Alai Onyango

Ahmed Darwesh of KTN has died quietly on his sofa after suffering for some time from Diabetes. Body at Mater. Great TV presenter. Presented news like a prpfessional. Never gave biased opinion. He just did his job. Great guy. Miss him and Njoroge Mwaura. ‪#‎RIPDarwesh‬

Let me tell you about the Ahmed Darwesh I knew. Daru, as we all called him was a gentleman in every sense of that word. When I joined KTN in April 2008, he was already at the top of his game and down to earth to a fault. Before I had a car, Daru stayed around after anchoring the 7pm Swahili news until I had finished editing my 9pm business story so he could drop me home. We both lived in South B but dropping me outside my doorstep still took him a little out of his way. Keep in mind that he was a boldface named prime time anchor and I was a struggling business reporter so I would ordinarily not even show in his radar. If he travelled, he would let me use his car and even leave it fuelled. That was always an excuse for me to join him and his lovely family for beautiful meals whenever I was 'passing by.' Even at work, he paid for too many lunches that I can count, usually at a selection of Swahili restaurants with delicious food I couldn't yet afford. This picture was taken at Khan el-Khalili Market in Cairo. He had used his many connections and set up a week-long reporting trip to Egypt including a tour of the pyramids and Alexandria. You can still see him in part 1 of my report here He was a big brother to me in this big city, helping me create a career on television. Even after I left KTN and moved away, we remained fast friends and it was always a joy to see him whenever our paths crossed. I used to tease him about his signature line: 'Wakubwa hamjambo, wadogo mmeshindaje. Hii ni KTN Leo chaguo lako, wanakwetu wananiita Ahmed Darwesh' and he would grin indulgently. Daru was a kind, compassionate and funny man who was a gift to broadcast journalism. I am privileged to have known him. Rest In Peace, my friend. Shukran

Daniel "Churchill" Ndambuki aka Mwalimu King'ang'i

It's with great sorrow to learn that KTN Swahili TV Presenter Mr. Ahmed Darwesh has passed away. He was found dead on his sofa set in his house. He has been suffering from diabetes. Pole comrade. Good night/RIP till we meet again. Just like or type any consolation message in solidarity with this powerful presenter.

I Will Forever Be Greatful to God For The Opportunity He Gave Me to Interact with you Dharwesh when I was An Intern At KTN...Your Kind Gestures to the least is unspeakable And will Remain In Our Hearts. May God Comfort Your family and All That Are Saddened by Your Departure...Go Well My Brother and Rest In Peace Dharwesh...!!!
Inna Lillahi Wa inna illehi Ra Jioon. Rest in Peace Ahmed Dharwesh . A gentleman in every which way. We shall miss you. May Allah give your family Shifaa & grant u Jannatul Firdaus. Till we meet on the other side brother.

Mkalla Wa Mwambodze
2 hrs ·
Lala salama ndugu yangu Ahmed Darwesh 'Daru' ! Mtaa wa kwa onyango, mtopanga tumejawa na simanzi.
Kwake Allah (SWT) ndiko tutokako, na
Kwake ndiko yaliko marejeo yetu. Kalamu ya Mola
haina makosa! Ni huzuni jamani. Mungu awape nguvu familia....Mungu awape nguvu.

We are sorry to inform you that KTN Swahili TV Presenter Mr. Ahmed Darwesh has passed away. He was found dead on his sofa set in his house. He has been suffering from diabetes. Pole comrade. Good night/RIP till we meet again. Just like or type any consolation message in solidarity with this powerful presenter.

We loved you but God loved you more. Rest In Peace Ahmed Dharwesh.

Indeed my very sincere condolences to the family and friends of the late Ahmed Dharwesh of KTN. Plucked so soon, what a loss! R.I.P. bro.

Ahmed Dharwesh passes on,after fighting with diabetes for a long time -RIP One of the best Swahili news anchor -Ktn

R.I.P Ahmed Dharwesh. Condolences to the friends and family. You will be forever in our hearts.

Video: Mike Sonko rescued by a boda boda operator

Mike Sonko today posted a video on his Facebook page showing him riding on a motorbike and he gave an explanation that he was escaping the traffic jam

Today Nairobis traffic is very hectic but mimi nilijichanua boda boda till home. Ukiona utalala kwa jam jichanue. 

From the Archives: Photos of Raila Odinga's Arrest

Cord leader Raila Odinga was arrested several times by the Moi regime and it seems Uhuru's regime wanted to do the same. Raila had earlier received arrest threats in case he never hounoured EACC's sermons

Here are some of the arrests as were recorded through camera lenses

Friday 11 December 2015

Kenyans react to EACC's threats to arrest Raila

What Kenyans said following arrest threats by Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to Kenya's Opposition leader Raila Odinga. Mr Odinga has declined to appear before the commission after it summoned him  to appear before the Commission on Monday over claims he has made on the use of Eurobond funds.

Hon. Ali Hassan Joho
A true patriot fearlesly stood up for Kenya and exposed the magnitude of corruption in our country. EACC should stop this senseless harassment and engage constructively. ‪#‎RailaLocked‬

Are the EACC mandarins serious about their threats to arrest Raila Odinga or they are simply trying to punch above their weight? Let them investigate Eurobond and give us the results.These threats are just sideshows.The same EACC declared Anne Waiguru innocent and said are treating her as a witness just to turn around and say that she is a suspect.The way they are going about it raises eyes brows and seems to confirm Raila Odinga assertions that something is very wrong with this Eurobond saga .

For me, and reading from Raila Odinga's response, it is not even about the ‪#‎Eurobond‬ per se. The letter itself reeks of arrogance and contempt and the kind of tone that set the country up in 2007.
Has anyone seen EACC's letter summoning any of the people they have questioned on the Eurobond? Exactly! 
It is no longer about investigations. It is all politics. Been watching this TV station repeatedly replaying DP Ruto's disdainful Eurobond stump. 
Be that as it may, the kind of contempt effused in the EACC letter deserves the kind of response which has come from Mr. Odinga. 
Jubilee is trying to make Raila appear the STAR SUSPECT in this Eurobond scam. That's how they want to 'solve' it.
RAILA Odinga should just save himself and everyone the anxiety. Call the EACC officers to his office or even walk to their premises with One-Line statement reading, "I have reasons to believe and so hold that Sh140 billion raised from the Eurobond has been misappropriated because the said Sh140 billion hasn't been sufficiently accounted for to the best of my knowledge". Period. Anything else?

Raila Odinga this evening walked from his offices in Capitol Hill to Nairobi Club when police officers from EACC who are said to have come to arrest him blocked the exit gate. It remains unclear why they did not arrest him despite seeing him walking away.

This is the letter summoning Raila to appear before EACC. Raila has just chased EACC investigators from his office telling them to investigate suspects and have them answer the especific questions he asked. He told them that EACC has no powers to treat him as suspect when they are in bed with suspects of economic crimes. 
Raila has told the EACC idlers that even Moi who jailed him for 9 years never used the words or tone used in EACC letter. The whole incident was recorded by Kenyan media but you know how it happens. A call will be made to the media houses and such will not be published.

Pauline Njoroge

Rumors reaching me have it that Raila has escaped EACC officials who had gone to his Upper hill offices to record his statement as the Eurobond Scandal whistle blower! Popcorn please!
You cannot arrest a spirit,
Raila odinga is like a 'spirit'
What is a spirit? A spirit is a force that influences the will of people. A spirit can be an anonymous force responsible for the atmosphere in a meeting of people, or for the mood within a person, it can also be as personal as the spirit of other people who shape our daily actions. It is called a spirit because it relates not to matter but to mind, soul, and feelings. Spirits can be loving, harmless or dangerous, fleeting or powerful, discreet or haunting, helping or hurting. They can inhabitate places, memories, books, or people.
The recent move by the current regime to threat arrest Hon Raila Odinga kenyan opposition leader over his role in exposes Eurobond scandal is like throwing a stone while you yourself lives in glass house. When i discribe Odinga as a "spirit" is because he is the only person who make a newspaper sales when ever he appear on daily front paper and you now why?,he is discussed at every forum includeing churches, weeding and even funeral,he controls nearly 10million kenyans who belive, trust and are will to defend him at any cost even with their blood and this was evident during the 2007 stolen election.
Therefore I advice president kenyatta to focus in arrest fellow like kuria, waiguru's and duale.

"At some campaign meeting sometimes in 2012. Yule jamaa wa vitendawili alisema sisi ni criminals. Now I want to ask our friends on the other side, if someone refuses to honour EACC summons like they did, how else would we refer to them us? Would you trust someone who can't honor EACC summons with the leadership of this country?"